Getting started


Cap is a library for modeling energy storage devices. Its core is implemented in C++ but Python wrappers are also available.

Cap provides:

  1. energy storage device models
  2. electrochemical measurement techniques

Guidelines for installation are available. Note that it is not necessary to build Cap from source to use it. For instructions on how to use Cap without installing it, refer to the following section.

Alternative to the full install procedure

All you need is a working installation of Docker. Follow the Docker Engine installation guide for details on how to install it on your machine. It is supported on Linux, Cloud, Windows, and OS X.

The following command starts a Docker container with a Jupyter Notebook server listening for HTTP connections on port 8888. It mounts the present working directory, $PWD, into the container at /notebooks, which is set as the Jupyter Notebook startup folder. It has pycap already installed on it and comes with a few notebooks as example.

$ docker run --rm -it \
      -p 8888:8888 \
      -v $PWD:/notebooks \

Open your web browser and follow http://localhost:8888.